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经济系陈丽莉副教授在Technological Forecasting and Social Change发表论文

近日,经济系陈丽莉副教授在Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2024年第198卷正式发表。Technological Forecasting and Social ChangeABS3期刊,伟德BETVLCTOR1946认定的A2期刊。



Digital Silk Road initiated in 2015 aimed to foster industry collaboration within high-tech sectors. We compare different effects of the Digital Silk Road and innovation heterogeneity on digital economy growth between 9 treatment and 20 control countries via propensity score matching (PSM)-DID (difference-in-differences) methodology. The PSM-DID approach have the merits to address the differences biases between treatment and controlled groups, while embracing the complex dimensions of individual heterogeneity. Furthermore, we also explore the different effects of institutions innovation, human capital and research innovation, infrastructure innovation, market sophistication innovation, and business sophistication innovation on the digital economy. Notably, the investigation also probes the interactions that transpire between human capital & research innovation and different innovation on the digital economy. The DID regression revealed that policy shock of DSR has exerted a discernibly positive effect on the digital economy. Infrastructure innovation improved digital economy. Human capital and research innovation also enhanced digital economy. Business sophistication innovation promotes the increase of the digital economy.

数字丝绸之路于 2015 年启动,旨在促进高科技领域的产业合作。本文采用PSM-DID方法比较了数字丝绸之路对29个国家经济增长的影响。在此基础上,本文还进一步探讨了制度创新、人力资本和研究创新、基础设施、市场成熟度和商业成熟度对数字经济的不同影响。此外,本文还探究了人力资本和研究创新与数字经济之间的相互作用。研究结果表明数字丝绸之路对数字经济产生了明显的积极影响,基础设施、人力资本和研究创新和商业成熟度对数字经济的影响更为显著。


陈丽莉,伟德BETVLCTOR1946数字商科与首都发展创新中心办公室主任,伟德BETVLCTOR1946副教授,硕士生导师。北京科技大学管理学博士,清华大学经管学院博士后,PRME中国学术委员会委员、北京系统工程学会监事、中国系统工程学会能源资源系统工程专委会委员。主要研究方向为数字经济与贸易、绿色消费、科技创新等。主持国家级课题2项,参与国家级、省部级课题10余项。在《经济研究》《中国工业经济》《光明日报(理论版)》、Technological Forecasting and Social Change、Journal of Knowledge Management、Journal of Environmental Management等SSCI、SCI、CSSCI期刊发表论文20余篇,出版专著1部。

