

    武 岩










1. SSCI:Yan Wu et al. The Impacts of Trade Intensity with China on Carbon Emissions in Belt and Road Countries. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy. Published Online: May 10, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/13547860.2021.1924601.

2. SSCI: Yan Wu et al. The Impact of China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Trade Intensity with Belt and Road Countries. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2021, 57(6), 1773-1792.

3. SSCI:Yan Wu et al.Does the Belt and Road Initiative Increase the Carbon Emission Intensity of Participating Countries? China & World Economy 2021, 29(3),1-25.

4. SSCI:Yan Wu et al. Per Capita CO2 Emissions Divergence Influenced by Bilateral Trade with China under the Belt and Road Initiative. Sustainable Production and Consumption. 2021, 27, 1589-1601.

5. SSCI:Yan Wu et al. The Influencing Factors of Participation in Online Timebank Nursing for Community Elderly in Beijing, China. Frontiers in Public Health. 2021, 9, 1-14.

6. SCI:Yan Wu et al. Does the New Urbanization Influence Air Quality in China? Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2021, 9, 1-14.

7. SCI:Yan Wu et al. Heterogeneous Effects of the Belt and Road Initiative on Energy Efficiency in Participating Countries, Energies, 2021, 14, 1-20.

8. SSCI:Yan Wu et al. The Roles of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development Strategy in Industrial Energy and Related Pollutant Emission Intensities. Sustainability. 2020,12(19), 1-17

9. SSCI:Chunlai Chen and Yan Wu* (通讯作者). Interregional Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on China’s Inland Urbanization, Singapore Economic Review. 2019, 64(4), 997-1017.

10. SSCI:Yan Wu. China’s War against the Many Faces of Poverty: Towards a New Long March. Economic Record, 2017, 93(301).

11. SSCI:Chunlai Chen and Yan Wu* (通讯作者). Impact of Foreign Direct Investment and Export on Urbanization: Evidence from China. China & World Economy, 2017, 25 (1), 71-89.

12. SSCI:Yan Wu et al. The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Urbanization in China. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 2016, 21(3), 339-356.

13. SCI: Yan Wu. Financial Risk Modeling and Simulation based on Vector Auto Regressive Model. Journal of Simulation, 2015, 6(3).

14. SSCI:Yan Wu et al. Heterogeneous Energy Efficiency Effects of China's Belt and Road Initiative. Energy Efficiency. Working Paper, 2021.

15. SSCI:Yan Wu et al. Determinants of Migrant Workers Employment in Foreign Enterprises: The Comparison of Three Major Urban Agglomerations in China. Growth and Change. Working Paper, 2021.

16. CSSCI:武岩,《中国保险业成长与经济发展的关系检验——基于面板误差修正模型的分析》,《上海经济研究》,2013年第5期;

17. CSSCI:武岩、胡必亮,《城乡发展一体化战略与高等教育的机遇和挑战》,《中国高等教育》,2013年第15期;

18. CSSCI:武岩、胡必亮,《社会资本与中国农民工收入差距》,《中国人口科学》,2014年第6期;

19. CSSCI:武岩,《产业结构对城镇化发展差异的影响——基于夏普利值分解的实证分析》,2017年《社会科学家》,第9期;

20. CSSCI:武岩、唐幸,《新老农民工收入影响因素的实证分析》,《统计与决策》,2017年第17期;

21. 《人民日报:《中国是欧亚经济发展的关键因素》,世界银行前副行长约翰内·F·林恩、武岩,2013年11月28日。


1. 《农业转移人口就业研究:基于京津冀地区外资企业的比较》,经济管理出版社,2021;

2. 《全球化背景下的新型城镇化发展研究》,厉以宁等主编,中国工人出版社2017;

3. 胡必亮、武岩、范莎:《全球化与新农村:广东雁田村个案研究》,重庆出版社,2016;

4. 武岩、朱福林:《广东服务业对外开放报告(2014)》,广东省批发和零售业对外开放现状、问题与政策建议,经济管理出版社2014;

5. 人民出版社:《2050年的亚洲》,哈瑞尔达·考利,武岩等,2012。


1. 国家社科基金项目:“一带一路”跨区域合作视域下中非双边贸易效率及优化路径研究

2. 北京市社科基金项目:“互联网+时间银行”养老社区服务平台的设计与建设研究

3. 北京市教委社科基金项目:利用外资引导京津冀农业转移人口合理分布的机制研究


1. 国家社科基金重大项目:多重复杂背景下中国经济“双循环”接驳及其协同性、有效性的统计研究

2. 国家社科基金重大项目:深入实施藏粮于地、藏粮于技战略研究

3. 国家社科基金重大项目:“一带一路”投资安全保障体系研究

4. 国家社科基金重大项目:中国新型城镇化:五个维度协同发展

5. 国家社科基金重点项目:反全球化背景下美国对华贸易壁垒的趋势及我国对策研究

6. 中国科学技术协会项目:“一带一路”巴基斯坦科技与经济问题研究

7. 财政部与世界银行联合项目:火电节能减排,推进新型城镇化


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