
岳鹏鹏 - 2寸.jpg





岳鹏鹏,副教授,硕士研究生导师,金融系副主任,北京区域经济学会家庭金融青年学者专业委员会主任委员,伟德BETVLCTOR1946数字金融研究中心家庭金融研究团队负责人,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会气候金融分会理事,首都经济贸易大学经济学博士,克利夫兰州立大学访问学者,Journal of Family and Economic Issues编委, International Review of Financial Analysis,Energy Economics, International Review of Economics and Finance, Finance Research Letters, International Journal of Finance & Economics, Economic Modelling, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Singapore Economic Review, Applied Economics Letters, Managerial Finance, 《伟德BETVLCTOR1946学报(社会科学版)》《经济与管理研究》《经济学报》《福建论坛(人文社会科学版)》等期刊匿名审稿人。讲授课程:家庭金融学,金融学。



ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5210-4309





1. Pengpeng Yue, Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz*, Haigang Zhou. Household Financial Decision Making Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2020, 56(10): 2363-2377. DOI:10.1080/1540496X.2020.1784717. 202199日入选ESI高被引入论文)

2Pengpeng Yue, Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz*, Zhichao Yin, Haigang Zhou. The Rise of Digital FinanceFinancial Inclusion or Debt Trap?, Finance Research Letters, 202247: 102604. DOI: 10.1016/j.frl.2021.102604.2023511日入选ESI高被引论文)


1. 尹志超, 岳鹏鹏*, 陈悉榕. 金融市场参与、风险异质性与家庭幸福. 金融研究, 2019, 466(4): 168-187.

2. 尹志超, 周洁, 岳鹏鹏*. 生产性信贷约束、金融扶贫与家庭盈利. 财经问题研究, 2020(7): 60-68.

3. Pengpeng Yue, Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz*, Haigang Zhou. Household Financial Decision Making Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2020, 56(10): 2363-2377. DOI:10.1080/1540496X.2020.1784717.

4. Pengpeng Yue, Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz*, Zhichao Yin, Haigang Zhou. Household-Owned Businesses’ Vulnerability to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2021, 57(6): 1662-1674. DOI: 10.1080/1540496X.2021.1899912.

5. Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz, Zhichao Yin, Pengpeng Yue*, Haigang Zhou. Does Financial Literacy Alleviate Risk Attitude and Risk Behavior Inconsistency?. International Review of Economics and Finance, 2021(74), 293-310. DOI: 10.1016/j.iref.2021.03.002.

6. Pengpeng Yue, Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz*, Zhichao Yin, Haigang Zhou. The Rise of Digital FinanceFinancial Inclusion or Debt Trap?, Finance Research Letters, 202247: 102604. DOI: 10.1016/j.frl.2021.102604.

7. Jun Zhou, Zhichao Yin, Pengpeng Yue*. The Impact of Access to Credit on Energy Efficiency. Finance Research Letters, 2023.51: 103472. DOI: 10.1016/j.frl.2022.103472.

8. Xiang Ye, Pengpeng Yue*. Financial Literacy and Household Energy Efficiency: An Analysis of Credit Market and Supply Chain. Finance Research Letters, 2023, 52, 103563. DOI: 10.1016/j.frl.2022.103563.

9. Pengpeng Yue, Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz*, Zhichao Yin, Haigang Zhou. Liquidity Constraints and Family Labor Participation. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 2023, 28(1): 53-74. DOI: 10.1080/13547860.2020.1864102.

10. Pengpeng Yue, Linlin Yu, Jun Zhou*, Haigang Zhou. Peer Effects of Income in Consumption. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2023(36), 3, 2156576. DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2022.2156576.

11. Bangzheng Wu, Pengpeng Yue*, Shengqiang Zuo*. Borrow To Be the Poor or the Rich? It Depends: Credit Market and Wealth Accumulation. International Review of Economics & Finance, 2023(86):804-821. DOI: 10.1016/j.iref.2023.03.037.

12. Jun Zhou, Qingyu Lang, Pengpeng Yue*, Guohua Ni. Far From Home: Migration, Venture and Income Mobility. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2023.2205923.

13. Pengpeng Yue, Yaru Bai, Linlin Yu, Jun Zhou*. Frozen Economy During COVID-19. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/1540496X.2023.2216843.

14. Wenjia He, Wenjing He, Dandan Xu*, Pengpeng Yue. Economic Volatility, Banks’ Risk Accumulation and Systemic Risk. Finance Research Letters, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1016/j.frl.2023.104115.


1. Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz, Zhichao Yin, Pengpeng Yue*, Haigang Zhou. Does Financial Knowledge Alleviate Risk Attitude and Risk Behavior Inconsistency?, 2018.

[1] Southern Finance Association Conference (SFA 2018, Asheville, NC, November 14 - 17, 2018)

[2] Allied Social Science Associations Annual Meeting (ASSA 2019, Atlanta, GA, January 4 - 6, 2019)

2. Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz, Zhichao Yin, Pengpeng Yue*, Haigang Zhou. Do Socially Responsible Countries Pay a Premium for High ESG Firms?, 2018.

[1] Southwestern Finance Association Conference (SWFA 2019, Houston, TX, March 14 - 15, 2019)

[2] Southern Finance Association Conference (SFA 2019, Orlando, FL, November 20 - 23, 2019)

3. Pengpeng Yue, Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz*, Zhichao Yin, Haigang Zhou. House Price, Household Consumption Behavior, and Consumption Inequality, 2019.  

[1] Applied Finance, Macroeconomic Performance, and Economic Growth (Economic Modelling Conference 2019, Beijing, June 1 - 2, 2019)

[2] Conference on Financial Technology and Finance Development in China (Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Conference, Beijing, December 8, 2019)

[3] Southwestern Finance Association Conference (SWFA 2020, San Antonio, TX, March 12 - 14, 2020. The conference got canceled because of coronavirus.)

[4] Eastern Finance Association Conference (EFA 2020, Boston, MA, April 1 - 4, 2020. The conference got canceled because of coronavirus.)

[5] Southern Finance Association Conference (SFA 2020, Palm Springs, CA, November 18 - 21, 2020)

4. Pengpeng Yue, Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz*, Zhichao Yin, Haigang Zhou. Liquidity Constraints and Family Labor Participation, 2019.  

[1] Conference on Financial Technology and Finance Development in China (Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Conference, Beijing, December 8, 2019)

[2] The 6th International Conference on The Chinese Economy: Past, Present and Future (International Review of Economics and Finance Conference, Beijing, December 21, 2019)

[3] Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA 2020, San Antonio, TX, March 12 - 14, 2020. The conference got canceled because of coronavirus.)

5. Pengpeng Yue, Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz*, Zhichao Yin, Haigang Zhou. Will Longer Working Hours Hurt Household Well-Being When Accompanied by Higher Income? - Evidence from China, 2019.  

[1] 27th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society (MFS 2020, Gdańsk, Poland, June 28 - July 1, 2020)

[2] 61st Annual Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA 2022, New Orleans, LA, March 2 - 5)

6. Pengpeng Yue, Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz*, Zhichao Yin, Haigang Zhou. The Rise of Digital Finance: Financial Inclusion or Debt Trap?, 2020.

[1] Southern Finance Association Conference (SFA 2020, Palm Springs, CA, November 18 - 21, 2020)

7. Pengpeng Yue, Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz*, Zhichao Yin, Haigang Zhou. The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Household-Owned Businesses: Evidence from China, 2020.

[1] Pandemics: Lessons from an Economics and Finance Perspective (Asian-Pacific Applied Economics Association 2020, Virtual Conference, Jilin, October 3, 2020)

[2] Southwestern Finance Association Conference (SWFA 2021, Virtual Conference, March 18 - 19, 2021)

8. 岳鹏鹏, 丁鑫, 尹志超*. 返乡创业者的知与行. 2020.

[1] 第二十届中国经济学年会 (深圳, 广东, 124 - 6, 2020)

9. 尹志超, 张紫璇, 岳鹏鹏*. 家庭创业影响了收入流动性吗. 2021.

[1] 第十届中国区域金融学年会 (北京, 423 - 24, 2021)

[2] 第四届中国家庭金融论坛暨首届中国家庭金融研究与教学联盟会议 (成都, 四川, 87 - 8, 2021)

[3] 中国经济学年会CEA论坛第1(银川, 宁夏, 818 - 20, 2021)

10. 路晓蒙, 杨晶晶, 岳鹏鹏*. “营改增”促进家庭消费了吗?-基于中国税改的准自然实验. 2021.

[1] 第四届微观经济数据与经济学理论创新论坛 (呼和浩特, 内蒙古, 1211, 2021)

11. 施一宁, 陈雨轩, 岳鹏鹏*, 吴卫星. 房价对我国城镇居民消费的影响——基于工具变量法的研究. 2021.

[1] 第四届中国家庭金融论坛暨首届中国家庭金融研究与教学联盟会议 (成都, 四川, 87 - 8, 2021)

12. 岳鹏鹏, 于林林, 范苗苗,路晓蒙*. 创业致富:中国家庭的财富流动. 2021.

[1] 第四届京津冀金融研究联盟2021年会暨第八届中国金融风险高层论坛 (北京, 1210, 2021)

[2] 中国式现代化经济发展前沿论坛 (成都,四川,617 - 18日,2023)

13. Jun Zhou, Zhichao Yin, Pengpeng Yue*. Efficiency of Energy Use and Carbon Emissions from Household Consumption: An Analysis of Dynamics and Determinants. 2022.

[1] Climate and Energy Finance (南京, 江苏, 813 - 14, 2022). Best Paper Award.

14. 岳鹏鹏, 郎清雨, 周珺*, 倪国华. 漂泊在外:迁居与收入流动性. 2022

[1] 第二届中国经济学思想与理论研讨会 (北京, 79, 2022)  

[2] 京津冀金融研究联盟2022年会暨第九届中国金融风险高层论坛 (北京,129日,2022)

15. Pengpeng Yue, Linlin Yu, Jun Zhou*. Frozen economy during COVID-19, 2022.

[1] New challenges to financial stability in the post Covid-19 era (Nanchang, Jiangxi, Aug 21, 2022)

16. 高扬, 周莉, 岳鹏鹏*. 金融素养与家庭幸福, 2022.

[1] 第十一届中国区域金融年会 (太原, 山西, 1022 - 23, 2022)

[2] 第二十一届金融工程学年会 (温州, 浙江, 1111 - 13, 2022)

17. 岳鹏鹏, 白雅茹*. 数字金融与家庭债务风险, 2022.

[1] 第二十一届金融工程学年会 (温州, 浙江, 1111 - 13, 2022)

18. Pengpeng Yue, Linlin Yu, Jun Zhou*, Haigang Zhou. Peer effects of income in consumption, 2022.

[1] 第二十二届中国经济学年会 (广州, 广东, 122- 4, 2022)

[2] National Business and Economics Society 23rd Annual Conference (St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, March 8 - 11, 2023)

19. Dandan Xu, Mengshi Li, Dongli Guo, Pengpeng Yue*. Household green consumption: Does digital inclusion matter?, 2023.

[1] Climate and Energy Finance (长沙,湖南,62- 4日,2023)

20. Jun Zhou, Aslihan Gizem Korkmaz, Qingyu Lang, Chunyu Sun, Pengpeng Yue*. The Sword of Damocles: Debt and Depression, 2023.

[1] International Conference on the Emerging Markets Finance and Trade in the 21st century (杭州, 浙江, 625, 2023)

[2] Southern Finance Association Conference (SFA 2023, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, November 13 - 15, 2023)

21. 徐丹丹,岳鹏鹏,白雅茹,和文佳*. 人力资本与资产选择, 2023.

[1] 第三届中国经济学思想与理论研讨会 (北京, 78, 2023)  

[2] 第二十届中国金融学年会 (北京, 1028 - 29, 2023)


1. 岳鹏鹏. 流动性约束下的家庭行为研究 (ISBN: 978-7-5218-2653-1). 经济科学出版社. 2021.


1. 相对收入对劳动供给的影响研究——基于家庭微观调查数据的分析 (QNJJ2020-30). 伟德BETVLCTOR1946青年教师科研启动基金项目. 2019.

2. 数字金融视角下家庭债务风险研究: 测量方法、生成机理与防范对策 (72103010). 国家自然科学基金青年项目. 2021.


1. 互联网消费金融的发展、风险与监管 (16AZD014). 国家社科基金重点项目. 2016.

2. 北京市住房对家庭资产配置及财富分配的影响研究 (16YJC065). 北京市社科基金青年项目. 2016.

3. 绿色金融视角下消费信贷的碳排放溢出效应与减排策略研究 (71603174). 国家自然科学基金青年项目. 2016.

4. 京津冀普惠金融调查研究. 北京市委组织部. 2017.

5. 住房投资行为对居民财富分配的影响和政策模拟 (71703109). 国家自然科学基金青年项目. 2017.

6. 基于随机规划理论的养老基金多期资产配置优化研究 (71701138). 国家自然科学基金青年项目. 2017.

7. 人口学视角下风险态度、全要素生产率与金融资产收益率研究 (71873092). 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2018.

8. 移动支付对中国经济的影响研究 (20AJL016). 国家社科基金重点项目. 2020.  

9. 深入实施藏粮于地、藏粮于技战略研究 (21ZDA055). 国家社科基金重大项目. 2021.

10. 中国家庭经济风险测度、成因及外溢性研究 (21&ZD087). 国家社科基金重大项目. 2021.

11. 期权视角下我国农产品企业价格风险测度、管理与效果评价研究 (22BJY259). 国家社科基金一般项目. 2022.


1. 2017.11 - 2018.12,克利夫兰州立大学访问学者

2. 2019.7 - 2021.11,伟德BETVLCTOR1946金融系讲师

3. 2019.9 - 至今,伟德BETVLCTOR1946金融系副主任

4. 2020.11 - 2025.10,伟德BETVLCTOR1946数字金融研究中心团队负责人

5. 2021.6 - 2022.7,伟德BETVLCTOR1946金融182班主任

6. 2021.12 - 至今,伟德BETVLCTOR1946金融系副教授

7. 2022. 9 - 2026.7,伟德BETVLCTOR1946金融类221班主任

8. 2022.9 - 2025.9,伟德BETVLCTOR1946国际化青年导师 (Young International Supervisor, YIS) 团队成员


1. 对外经济贸易大学,2020.05

2. 汕头大学,2021.12

3. 对外经济贸易大学,2023.03

4. 中国地质大学(北京)2023.04

5. 对外经济贸易大学,2023.04

6. 华中科技大学,2023.05

7. 湖北伟德BETVLCTOR1946,2023.05


1. 2021 (6): 潘瑞、岳丹阳、李雪莉、张艺、甄诚、董瑶

2. 2022 (7): 郎清雨、王媛、李嘉玉、高大林、王子峥、赵婧萱、赵雨然

3. 2023 (10): 于林林、赵文君、徐梓杰、黎忍忍、赵琦、李海钦、汪源春、侯永杰、李骜、周昕暄


1. 2021年优秀毕业生奖学金一等奖学金 (1人,潘瑞)、三等奖学金 (4人,岳丹阳、李雪莉、张艺、甄诚)

2. 2021年伟德BETVLCTOR1946经才计划科研立项项目 (于林林)

3. 2021年优秀党务工作者 (于林林)

4. 2021年优秀党校兼职辅导员 (于林林)

5. 2022年硕士研究生科研能力提升计划项目 (于林林)

6. 2022年挑战杯首都老员工创业计划竞赛青创副中心专项赛道金奖 (洪虎团队)

7. 2022年伟德BETVLCTOR1946经才计划科研立项项目 (白雅茹)

8. 2022年优秀毕业生奖学金一等奖学金 (1人,王媛)、二等奖学金 (1人,李嘉玉)、三等奖学金 (1人,郎清雨),校级优秀毕业生 (1人,高大林)

9. 2022年第八届中国国际“互联网+”老员工创新创业大赛北京赛区复赛高教主赛道二等奖(洪虎团队)

10. 2022年伟德BETVLCTOR19462022届本科优秀毕业论文 (郎清雨,王媛)

11. 北京市2022年本科生优秀毕业设计(论文) (王媛)

12. “青创北京”2023年“挑战杯”首都老员工课外学术科技作品竞赛“青砺基层”社会治理专项赛一等奖(商玉洁团队)

13. “青创北京”2023年“挑战杯”首都老员工课外学术科技作品竞赛“青振京郊”乡村振兴专项赛二等奖(黄一团队)

14. 伟德BETVLCTOR19462023届本科毕业生校级优秀毕业生 (赵文君)


1. 2020年伟德BETVLCTOR1946本科教学质量奖三等奖

2. 2020年伟德BETVLCTOR1946科研成果奖三等奖

3. 2021年伟德BETVLCTOR1946教职工年度考核优秀

4. 2021年伟德BETVLCTOR1946科研先进个人

5. 2021年伟德BETVLCTOR1946优秀工会积极分子

6. 2022年优秀本科毕业论文指导教师