

    郝 娜




郝娜,经济学博士,伟德BETVLCTOR1946贸易经济系副教授,博士生导师。南京农业大学经济学学士(2008),美国佐治亚大学(University of Georgia,UGA) 统计学硕士(2013)和应用经济系博士(2015)。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,参与国家社科基金重大项目、一般项目和国际合作项目等多个项目的研究工作。发表SSCI和SCI期刊论文十多篇,出版专著1部,基于博士学位论文研究的2篇论文发表于国际权威期刊Energy Economics和Agricultural Economics。曾在国际能源论坛(IEF)和美国农业经济学年会(AAEA)做学术报告。2014年在联合国总部(United Nations,New York)、联合国工业发展组织(United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna)实习,担任研究和咨询工作。曾在美国摩根大通银行(JP MOGAN CHASE)工作,任商务分析师(2015-2016)。社会兼职美国农业应用经济学学会(AAEA)会员中国卫生经济学会会员Agricultural Economics,Agribusiness等SSCI和SCI国际期刊匿名审稿人。主要研究方向:环境与能源政策,食品消费,农产品期货研究生招生专业:产业经济学——食品消费、电子商务、期货。



[1] 国家自然科学基金-青年项目,“疫情重灾区食品污名化的应对研究:基于回避消费和支持消费并存的视角”,2021.01-2023.12,

[2] 北京市消费者对食品召回的态度,北京教委一般项目,2018.12-2020.6。


[1] 国家社科基金重大项目,中国服务业发展政策的演变及有效性的协同研究(首席专家李朝鲜) 2017。

[2] 国家社科基金一般项目,流通服务业高质量发展的路径选择与政策体系构建 (李丽主持) 2019。

[3] 首都流通业基地项目,互联网行业相关市场界定(易芳主持) 2017。


[1] Na Hao, Xinyao Nie(员工), Tianyuan Luo* (2022),“Mental health impacts of working from home after COVID-19: Does gender matter?”, Journal of Men's Health(in print)

[2] Na Hao, Yi Zhang(员工), Qiujie Zheng*, Michael Wetzstein (2022),“Spillover effects of food recalls: A milk recall scenario experiment in China”, npj Science of Food (in print)

[3] Tianxing Xie, Chunlin Li*, Na Hao, Youlong Luo (2022), “Multi-objective optimization of data deployment and scheduling based on the minimum cost in geo-distributed cloud”,Computer Communications,184:118-127.

[4] Na Hao, Yi Zhang(员工), Huashu Wang*, H. Holly Wang (2022),“Which Consumer Perceptions Should Be Used in Food Waste Reduction Campaigns: Food Security, Food Safety or Environmental Concerns?”, Sustainability, 14(4):508-559.

[5] Na Hao, H. Holly Wang* (2021), “Food consumption and stigmatization under COVID-19: Evidence from Chinese consumers’ aversion to Wuhan hot instant noodles”, Agribusiness, 37(1):82-90.

[6] H.Holly Wang, Na Hao* (2020), “Panic buying? Food hoarding during the pandemic period with city lockdown ”, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(12):2916-2925.

[7] Na Hao, H. Holly Wang*, Qingjie Zhou (2020), “The impact of online grocery shopping on stockpile behavior in Covid-19”, Chinese Agricultural Economics Review, 12(3):459-470

[8] Bhagyashree Katare, H. Holly Wang, Jonathan Lawing, Na Hao, Michael Wetzstein*, Timothy Park (2020), “Toward Optimal Meat Consumption”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 102(2):662-680.

[9] Shen Liu, Gregory Colson*, Na Hao, Michael Wetzstein (2018), “Toward an Optimal Household Solar Subsidy: A Social-technical Approach”, Energy , 147:377-387.

[1] H.Holly Wang, Na Hao*, Qingjie Zhou, Michael Wetzstein, Yong Wang (2018), “Is Fresh Food Shopping Sticky to Retail Channels and Online Platforms?-Evidence and Implications in the Digital Era”, Agribusiness: An International Journal, 35(1):6-19.

[2] Na Hao, Peter Pedroni*, Greg Colson, Michael Wetzstein (2017), “The Linkage between the U.S. Ethanol Market and World Hunger: A Panel SVAR Analysis”, Agricultural Economics, 48(4):629-638.

[3] Na Hao, Greg Colson, Byeongchan Seong, Cheolwoo Park, Michael Wetzstein* (2015), “Drought, Biofuel, and Livestock”, Energy Economics, 49:301–307.

[4] Wei Hong, Lijuan Cao, Na Hao (2010), “Trade Liberalization, Domestic Input and Sustainability of Agricultural TFP Growth: A new Perspective based on TFP Growth Structure”, Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 1:376-385.


[1] Na Hao, H. Holly Wang, “Consumer benefits from soil amelioration for Cadmium tainted rice?” 2018 CAER-IFPRI, Guangzhou, China.

[2] H. Holly Wang, Na Hao, “Is Fresh Food Shopping Sticky to Retail Channels and Online Platforms?-Evidence and Implications in the Digital Era,” 2018 AAEA (Agr&Applied Economics Association), Boston, USA.

[3] Na Hao, H. Holly Wang, “Which perception reduces food waste-Food security, dietary or environmental concerns,” 2018 Chinese Economist Society, Hefei, China.

[4] Na Hao, H. Holly Wang, “Will the ‘nouveau-riche’ waste more food? Evidence from China,” 2017 AAEA, Chicago, USA.

[5] Na Hao, H. Holly Wang, “Is a label of ‘Non swill-cooked oil’ effective in preventing swill-cooked oil flowing into restaurants?” 2017 Chinese Economist Society, Nanjing, China

[6] Na Hao, Peter Pedroni, Greg Colson, Michael Wetzstein, “US Ethanol and World Hunger: Is there a Connection?” 2015 AAEA meetings, San Francisco, USA.

[7] Na Hao, Greg Colson, Michael Wetzstein, “Drought, Biofuel, and Livestock,” Selected presentation, 2013 AAEA meetings, Washington DC, USA.

